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find Keyword "Molecular diagnostic techniques" 2 results
  • Understanding the application of genetic testing in practicing precision medicine for inherited ocular disease

    Inherited eye disease is a heterogeneous group of eye disorders caused by genetic defects, which has many genetic characteristics, such as multiple inheritance modes and numerous gene variation types. Over the past few decades, genetic testing has improved significantly, with more and more known disease-causing gene variants identified. With the rapid development of high-throughput sequencing technology, clinical diagnosis and treatment of eye genetic diseases have been accelerated, and molecular diagnosis of eye genetic diseases has become an important step in accurate diagnosis and treatment. How to correctly select and evaluate each kind of genetic testing technology, reasonably standardize the use of genetic testing technology, and provide patients with more accurate genetic counseling are problem that clinicians need to seriously consider.

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  • Pay more attention to several issues in genetic diagnosis for patients with inherited retinal diseases

    Inherited retinal diseases (IRD) are a group of genetic disorders with high genetic and clinical heterogeneity. Patients with IRD may have their clinical diagnosis confirmed by genetic testing. Over the past 30 years, rapid advances in molecular genetics have raised the disease-causing gene variant detection rate and the accuracy of genetic testing, which provide hope to patients. The genetic diagnosis of patients with IRD is complicated due to the overlapping clinical phenotypes, and the fact that different variants lead to different phenotypes and severity even of the same gene. It is very important to overall evaluate the clinical phenotype of patients, precisely select genetic testing methods, and reasonably define disease-causing genes and variants during genetic diagnosis, which can guide the patient's subsequent treatment and provide genetic counseling.

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